About Us
For 30 years, the team of dedicated women at Arbordoun has produced our Calendula Cream and Silky Day Lotion, herbal cosmeceuticals, which we send throughout the country and beyond.
We are an all-woman crew of herbalists and gardeners who grow a field of cutting flowers, tend an espaliered apple orchard and manage the cream and lotion business. We grow, process and tincture the herbs ourselves. The cream and lotion are carefully prepared and poured by hand into recyclable containers
Our Abundantly Herbal Calendula Cream was once made in a common kitchen blender, and the labels were decorated and glued onto the jars by hand. Though we have grown, our small business continues to retain the integrity of the products we love.
“I started Arbordoun in 1984 wanting to create a product that was more effective and natural than the skin care I could find in stores. Our skin is our largest organ and anything we put on it should also be edible. Our creams are now loved by many across the country and beyond, serving the diverse needs of many people.”
— Susan Bill, founder